Thanksgiving Day in Cleveland

Thanksgiving day came and went. (And actually after the way that this one an argument about how proper or improper it is to give the host of your Thanksgiving dinner a screw top bottle of wine, even if that wine is an expensive Chilean blend)...I am glad that it is over....

The day started out excellently (and early) with a Turkey Trot 5-mile race through the run down, dirty, and empty streets of downtown Cleveland. The freezing rain was hitting our faces hard, as the 30 degree wind blew through each layer of our clothing. Only a few Turkey Day's back I was doing a 5-Mile trot down the beautiful row of Bell Meade Blvd in Nashville. The street is lined by millionaire homes, and smelled of the Thanksgiving brunches that were being prepared for the parties that would begin as soon as the race was finished...quite a change. However, this year I was really quite happy just to have crossed this finish line, so no complaints, just observations.
After the run, we stopped to visit our Indian neighbors who were hosting some family from out of town for the weekend. They were making a mid-morning snack of hot chai tea and delicious handmade roti, which we dipped into fresh plain yogurt. It was the best. So fresh, flavorful and warm right off the stove.

 I made them some moist pumpkin cupcakes, with cream cheese icing and toasted walnuts for their dessert, later that evening.
After that, we went off to a dinner that we were invited to. All of the food was delicious and the company was great.  I didn't get any pictures of the food, as I am still a little self-conscious of taking pictures of food that other people had made, in front of those other people (that I don't know very well), but I am working on that...  And since you already know how Thanksgiving Day ended, and because I really do not want to remember it all again, I will skip it. Happy Cyber Monday.


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